From the popular tokusatsu series "Gridman the Hyper Agent" comes a new complete combining toy "THE GATTAI Thunder Gridman"!
Stands at approximately 22cm in height to top of head when assembled. The toy is fully painted with articulated joints and alloy parts. · A display stand is also included.
Created in collaboration with Sentinel, known for their high-end mecha model creations.
Access Code GRIDMAN: Gridman and the Thunderjet, Twin Driller and God Tank assist weapons have all been recreated.
Access Code GODZENON: Create the Godzenon combination with the different assist weapons.
God-like combination! Create combination sequences from the series with Gridman and the three included assist weapons!
The Barrier Shield and Plasma Blade are included. The two can be combined to create the Gridman Sword or Thunder Axe.
Set Contents: Gridman, Thunder Jet, Twin Driller, God Tank, Plasma Blade, Barrier Shield, Thunder Axe Parts, 4 kinds of interchangeable hand parts for Gridman, Godzenon interchangeable hand parts, Thunder Gridman interchangeable hand parts, interchangeable leg parts, display stand.
Painted zinc alloy & ABS articulated action figure. Non-scale. Approximately 215mm in height (to top of head).